Monday, July 7, 2014


I am thankful for my family and relatives... they are my inspiration. They help me grow, be a better person, and learn and understand the world and humanity better.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Point Between

I have this theory…

You know the point between sanity and insanity? It is imagination; it is creativity. Somebody probably already said this, by all means quote him or her, or otherwise please do quote me.

But anyway, now I am fully aware how artists go wild during moments of inspiration. The geniuses just want to capture it. They can easily be diagnosed with psychological disorder in these kinds of moments. The racy thoughts, the million ideas that come to their minds, words, words, words, not just words, paragraphs, metaphors, hyperbole, oxymorons, pictures, illustrations, images, images, ideas, ideas, ideas.

Now I fully understand why most artists are koo-koo up in their heads and are classified as unique, extraordinary, abnormal, or an acquired taste... They are the individuals who can dwell on this point, the point between sanity and insanity. And some of them use alcohol or narcotics just to release all inhibitions and visit this holy ground. Hopefully most do not. Some as you have or will observe are unique and strange in their ways. Let’s celebrate the difference among us. This makes the world go round. How seemingly our differences create everything around us. Each has a purpose and role in life. And these artists, these geniuses make the world a better place in one way or another.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Guiding Lost Stars

As I navigate in the conundrum of job-hunting, I’ve decided to volunteer to work in organizations that are in need of free assistance.  As I made choices in organizations to give my services, I realized the effects of volunteer work could be a key to self-discovery or to one’s self-finding journey. For example, the books that were read to the children that I was volunteering for made me thought about myself.

Almost everyone has a past, good or bad, exhilarating or boring. We all have one, agree? What do we do of this past? We either run away or we fight it, we forget and move on. Unfortunately, not everyone has a past that is not so good. Some has a past that is self-damaging. Some experience a life-changing event that snaps them out of reality, and totally lose their self-control, and self-awareness.

We have this kind of past. We may have experienced a life-changing event that is extremely confusing. We move away from that scene, and have decided to find ourselves and/or create new ones. Through the journey we realize that maybe some of us, as we grow older, we seem to forget living, and forget the reason for it. We seem to forget the lessons we learned from childhood days. Maybe it’s because as a child we were not that serious. We were longing with the idea of going out and play, getting money, getting affections from friends and family, and experiencing the lighter side of life.

We forget about living a life where you are at peace and about living harmoniously with the world and humanity.  We are so consumed with the rules of society, the influence of media, and the rules of being a grown up, that we forget the lessons of life as we go on. We forget the lessons of the play or movie we watched, or the lyrics of the good music we listened to. We are caught up with ourselves that the signs of life and how we deal with it are all around us.

As we fill up the Facebook page of quotations, and statement from important people, normal people, whomever… to even quoting our Facebook friend’s statuses just to feel better, to numb out the feelings, to grasp and understand human nature and life, we realize that seemingly we are all interconnected in one form or another as we have similar experiences. We are all lost stars shining to guide everyone in the dark. (I am kind of quoting the lyrics “Lost Stars” song from "Begin Again" movie: “Are we all lost stars trying to light up the dark.”)

It can be a long journey but as we leave our past behind, hold on and control the present, and work for a better future, we should realize that maybe this grasp of new life, we are not lost but found. The realization of letting go of our past so we can move forward is indeed tantamount to pursuing our plan and purpose in life.