Friday, January 10, 2025

Monday, January 6, 2025

The Appeal of the Mundane

My ever so beautiful mother, and sometimes boss asked me to go to Divisoria in Manila, Philippines to buy some faux flowers.

Divisoria is a big market place in Manila, Philippines where you can buy a lot of stuff at a low price. Plus, you can haggle. There you will see old to almost teared down buildings with stores at the lower floor then extends to the streets. If I could describe this, in international and/or first world sense: its like Chinatown in New York City; street markets in Florence Italy; and I bet, street markets in Bangkok, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and the like.

People, each have their roles --from vendors, managers or supervisors, owners, sales ladies and sales men. Besides faux flowers, they sell street food, fruits, and vegetables. They sell ribbons, cloths, threads, pots, pans, papers, dresses, bags, shoes, jewelry. I mean its like the in real life market. They've got everything from a to z.

Anyway, as I observe the scene, I found myself having this vision to rebuilt, reorganize, and beautify the space. I, and many may have the tendencies to want to "edit" a place, a person, a situation to make it more appealing, to make it more "pretty", to make it more marketable. 

But then, after awhile, I realize, see, and like also the beauty in the "dirt", the "mess", and the madness of it all. I realize maybe I would not want to change a thing. IT has their own appeal.

We want to change the place, the people, the situation, but do we have the decency to asked the other, if they desire the change as well? 

In reality, like me, and like everybody else, we still find beauty and solace in our comfort zones. Maybe the situation, the place, the people are already happy and contented of what, who, and where they are. Maybe they only just need the same opportunity to be able to earn to provide for themselves and their families if they have one. And at the same time, also have the same opportunities for those who dare to dream for something more.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Long Time

It's been, I guess four years since I wrote on this blog. Long time.

What have I been up to? Well, I'm back in the Philippines ever since 2016, that I can easily tell you.

Am I an Entrepreneur? Well, all I can say is it's in process. Being an entrepreneur is hard, it takes and needs all your time and commitment, that I have not or am not giving, honestly.

Besides making myself become an Entrepreneur, I am gladly able to tell you though that I am still continuing to be the best-est damn person that I would like to be. 

This will forever be an ongoing process, a continued effort of evolvement, my personal life's movement.

Though don't get me wrong, like being an entrepreneur, it has it's ups and downs. There are circumstances that makes you want to give up on it... give up on life--not killing oneself, mind you, but giving up in the sense of not living to what I want or how I want to live (i.e. being a hermit)-- give up on people... people, I realized are more complicated, more worse, than I thought they could be... 

As I come back to this blog, and read and reread all the things I have written, I am not proud to say that I have not lived to few of these principles. Because there are times, I find myself wanting to scream at this life and at people. 

Life should be simple. People should be simple. It takes only common sense to live this life. But I guess, the saying is true, common sense might not be common after all. The principle of life: be kind and be positive, make love, not war, and all these... takes a toll to someone who despite, trying to become kinder, trying to be positive, especially in this negative, and sometimes discouraging world we live in; trying to show love (not romantically), and friendship, and support... they are still mocked, laughed at, doubted, put down, disrespected, etc.

Sometimes, I do not like to believe in what my mother says anymore, that "human beings are inherently good." I think they are inherently worst, and they only do good from time to time... or they are just good if you are good to them... or they are just good if they want something from you...

I give up in this kind of life. I give up on these kinds of human beings. SERIOUSLY. 

Now I understand, why there is war. Why some people cannot get a long. WE are living a life expecting the other should live to their own wants and their own beliefs and their own standards. I am guilty of this.

I always tell my mom, "I am not like this because I do not want people or life to treat me like this." "I am like this, and I expect the same courtesy." But my mom always says, and as usual, my forever high-EQ mother and mentor would respond: "That is you. Not everybody is like you. People are different."

People are different.

I know this. I know this pretty well. Especially well for someone who promotes, and like to be different, unique, a rebel, a nerd, a queen, etc etc etc... but I still found it bothersome, that the simple... these simple common sense ideologies cannot be grasped by some or most people.

And as always, I get burned to learn this lesson.

When will I ever learn?

With all these thoughts running through my head, I came up with the same principles and solutions, I also promote and try to live by.

They are:
1. Do not give up. Life no matter what is a beautiful blessing, and you are put on this earth for something special. No matter how small that is.
2. Understand, that people are different. Each one is unique. Sure you can and may have similarities, one way or another, but you are still different from each other, and that is okay. and that is good. and sometimes that can be something special. It is how you work through those differences that can make it better. And if you can not make it good, God forbid, you really cannot stand the other, or each other. You can still be kind, and continue to move on and move along. You cannot please everybody, and not everybody is going to like you (same principle as not everyone can please you, and you are not going to like everybody). There are billions of people in the planet, there are more people to meet. There are more tribes to explore. Again, like what my mother also says: "You are lucky if you find one or two truest and best-est friend/s. But being your own best friend, and having a family that loves and supports you can be enough."
3. Always, stay true to yourself, and be yourself, and most importantly believe in yourself. Like for example, despite how bad a person or a situation is to you, do not let them take away your kindness, your patience, your understanding, your grace. How will you ever find your tribe anyway, if you are not being yourself, and know and believe in yourself? Be proud. Take no shit from people who belittle you, mock you, disrespects you, put you down, etc. Who cares, I am sure they do not care about you, so why care about them? Just live your life according to what and how you want as long as you are not hurting anybody or stepping on anyone's toes, you are good.

These are all for the moment. Will get back to you sooner, hopefully than later! Catch me in my other "blogs" like at or at @mryxrose_


Monday, June 29, 2015

Processing Out Loud

What do I want to get from all my education?

I want to be a Fashion Analyst, Planner, and Strategist, with a creative and entrepreneurship flair.

This would be my declaration.

When and If I go back to the Philippines, I would definitely be an Entrepreneur. And will be taking all my learning and training here in the USA.


Friday, May 22, 2015

What is In... Well According to Me Anyway...

Or let us just say what I am craving for right at this moment.

I am craving for at this moment are some jewelry, fashion that is. Fine Jewelry would not hurt too, mind you.

As I looked for internship prospects, I've come upon very exciting companies and their products and it gave me these cravings to hunt these delicious specimens. Joomi Lim is one. Another is Jules Smith Designs and Eleanor Kale. And I suddenly hunted for other jewelry stores like, ofcourse, the ever popular Bauble Bar; there is Pree Brulee, and Jeweliq. Henri Bendel, as always, got some great jewelry, accessories, and my favorite, handbags.

Ever since I started my Masters degree in the Business of Fashion in LIM College, it has opened my eyes, widen my point of you not only in Fashion, and the business of it. It also open myself up to loving who I am and striving to who I am supposed to be and what I want to be.  Thanks to the wonderful classmates and schoolmates I have the pleasure to have met, and also the instructors and other acquaintances I have encountered, I have gained a lot.

I only hope that this past semester would be an ice breaker of more great things to come!

Okay. Now past that. As I run through the new businesses of Jewelry, I made a hunt for other Fashion businesses as well. There is this store called that is to die for--if only I have the money to buy in, I am sure all of you die hard fashionistas have heard of it. There are brands/businesses called Mink Pink, Farfetch, Each to their Own, All Saints, Dannijo, Pink Town USA, In God We Trust, Toast, Boutique 1, and Azalea that are, hands down, a class act!

Check them out!

And check out my Summer 2015 Essentials
Shop My Mavatar Cart

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bags w/in Reach

Shop with me in Macy's as I sort through inspiring bags to have and to hold.

There are some Guess bags, yes, you read it right Guess. I know it seems it's a so-so brand for bags --or not... well for me, it kind of is-- but I think the label upped their ante by making greatly designed bags nowadays. You'll see some in my mavatar cart here.

You'll see bucket bags, which is hot this year. As well as small messenger bags.

There are classics, Dooney and Bourke in particular.

I have featured the Marsala color, which is this year's color, through Vince Camuto (may he rest in peace).

And there is this Tignanello Plaid bag that I am so in love with and just can't wait to have.

Love my bags? Come, shop with me!

Shop My Mavatar Cart

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


What's In:
Nude/Natural-look makeups,

What's Out:
Looking like a peacock
Looking like a doll on steroids
Looking unnatural

Here is a picture of how to contour your face.
You got to have the right things first though.

You need contouring makeup/s a blush, bronzer, and a highlighter would do as well, and the right contouring brushes.

Do not forget to put some creams and serums to help naturally lift and contour your face after taking a bath and cleansing your face.

Shop My Mavatar Cart

For My 16-year-old Self

If there were two things that I would tell my sixteen year old self they would be these two things: 

First, take all things seriously. 
Second, don’t take every thing seriously. 

I know these two contradict each other, but hear me out.

Take things seriously means what it is literally: live your life seriously as if it is your last day on earth. No, not like the last day on earth where you do all “fun” things, but as if you are making a mark in history, where you are and will be remembered. I know it sounds cliché, and you have heard this over and over again. But I will repeat it again. Please enlighten me.

Take your life seriously, take your studies seriously, and take your exams seriously… Take care of your health, take care of your body, and take care of your spiritual life –because sometimes, some of us needs a higher being to hold on, and lean to.

Take your friendships seriously, your family and relatives seriously, your relationships seriously, even your girlfriend or boyfriend. Take those seriously, deepen them, and make them more meaningful, and to not take your relationships for granted. Make every moment a happy and a Kodak moment. Your relationships are part of you. Like the saying goes “you complete me,” relationships complete you in a way no matter how you deny it or say you are a loner.

But In life nothing or no one is perfect. Don’t take every thing seriously. If you make a mistake, it is okay. If you trip in life, get back up and dust it off. Laugh at your self and at life on your and its conundrums. If you fail at a test, it doesn't make you any less intelligent.  If someone says bad things at you or behind your back; If someone bullies you or does harm you one way or another does not make you less of a person –less good, less kind, less beautiful. If you fail in a relationship it doesn't make you alone in this world. It is how you get back up. It is how you correct and avoid making the same mistakes, and learn in life –that’s what matters. How you laugh of and celebrate life and their imperfection –that’s what matters. It is your positive attitude and outlook than mainly cultivate life’s meaning and purpose.

So again, I say unto you and especially to all of sixteen year olds out there: Take life seriously, and not seriously. It’s all up to you.